Monday, July 18, 2011
How to make big puffy gums go down?
ok so i have braces and ive had them for about 8 months and lately the orthodontist has been telling me that my gums are big. they told me that i need to floss so when i went home i tried to floss but i noticed that on my bottom teeth my gums are so puffy that i cant floss them because my braces are in the way... yes they're that big. so i need a different way besides flossing to make my gums smaller. i have a dentist appointment tomorrow so im not sure if thats going to help but i really need a different way besides flossing to get my gums smaller ppllzz!!!!!!!!! thx!!!!!!!!!
Should I contest this traffic ticket I received in Indianapolis?
The sign said no left turn 4-6 pm. I made the turn at 4:10 pm. Is there any grace period for the time on this type of ticket? I don't know how much the ticket cost or how many points are involved. thanks
Can you put in a coupon code for buying single single tickets at
I have a season pass and get a $10 coupon to bring a friend but I want to buy it online. Where on their website do I put in the coupon code?
Question about braces?
Hey guys, so I have braces and lately my orthodontist has been telling me that i have to wait untill my back molars are fully grown in to put braces around them also. My problem is, who knows how long its going to take for them to grow in? For a few months now all they do at my appointments is change my colors. Its agrivating because at this rate i dont feel like im going to get them off the summer of 8th grade like im supposed to. The worst part is my dentist tells me that usually orthodontists dont put braces around these certin molars. Does anyone know anything about this and if i will be able to get them off in time? Sorry that this is kinda long but I've been wondering for a really long time. Thanks(:
What to do with clear plastic retainer?
i just got a clear plastic retainer from my orthodontist after i got my braces off. How often do i clean them and how do i clean them? also can i drink anything with them in?
Bret Hart had a GREAT career in WCW. Anyone agree?
Hart came in just before WCW went through a major change in leadership. Bischoff was replaced with Siegel and Russo was brought in to run creative.
If you have a thursday to sunday it true that your friends with a friday to sunday ticket can not camp with you?
OK. Most and i repeat MOST people with an understanding of how economy works understand that obama(oblabla) is a total and complete failure of a leader, if you believe he has accomplished anything at all you are seriously brainwashed(no joke), it seems as if even when presented with concrete facts, that you ignorants are in denial. you have a patheticly weak mind and incredibly weak will if you actualy believe the lies that the obama administration spews, first of all he hasnt done one good thing in this country, he does not care about america, he wants to destroy america, he wants to destroy fossil fuel and convert our energy plan into 100% electric? what happens then??? as obama himself is quoted in saying "the price of electricity would NECESSARILY sky rocket" meaning most americans would not be able to afford it, add that to the effect of a socialist(socialized) health care system ( which anybody who actualy knows how to read can find the facts themselves that every single country with socialized (obama style) healthcare realized its a failure and never works), which is why a baby in canada was denied surgery and the parents were forced to drive to the US to save their babies life, in an obamacare healthcare world(socialist) thats what happens, you have doctors that dont care about you, everywhere, and medicare and medicaid funding is dramaticly reduced, which would result in the deaths of alot of elder folks...... Chapter 2: Donald Trump.... donald trump, well donald trump is just another fake global elite with a republican title, he is a plant as mccain was, because weather obama or trump wins, the same outcome will come, universal socialistic healthcare, and extremely high taxes for buisness's, dont let trump fool you, he is anti buisness, you really actually think he hasnt had to step on alot of peoples toes to get where he is, do the research instead of trusting the media, trump would be another job killer as obama is, trump is known for supporting liberals and socialists, including the corrupt rahm emmanuel, and many more, he has a history of liberal voting records and support for corrupt liberal elites, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE AMERICA, RESEARCH HERMAN CAIN, A REAL AMERICAN, A REAL PATRIOT, AND A REAL BUISNESSMAN WHO HAS EARNED WHAT HE HAS THROUGH HARD WORK, NOT STEPPING ON PEOPLES TOES AND STABBING PEOPLE IN THE BACK(AS TRUMP HAS) HERMAN CAIN IS THE SINGLE BEST CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD, THE ONLY REASON HE ISNT MORE WIDELY KNOWN IS BECAUSE "THEY"( THE GLOBAL ELITE) ARE AFRAID OF HIM BECAUSE THEY KNOW HE CAN ACTUALY BEAT OBAMA IF HE WAS WIDELY KNOWN, THINK OF WHY THIS MAN ISNT MORE KNOWN, WHY ISNT HE ON THE MAINSTREAM MEDIAS LIST OF CANDIDATES, THEY ARE AFRAID OF WHAT A TRUE PATRIOTIC REAL AMERICAN CAN DO, HE HIMSELF STATES HE IS AMERICAN 1ST, AND BLACK 2ND, OBAMA IS THE TYRANT KING 1ST, AND A GOD 2ND, TRUMP IS A BUISNESSMAN 1ST AND CELEBRITY 2ND. ENOUGH SAID... DO THE RESEARCH AND STOP BELIEVING THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA NONSENSE,
Do police officers call cps for speeding moms?
If a mom or a dad is in the car going say 10 or 15 over with kids in the car will the cops call cps?Do people get higher ticket prices with kids in the car?
How to convince my parents to let me go to warp tour!?
ive never been to a concert like this before, i reeeaaallyyy want to go.My friend invited me,he said he'll pay half of my ticket and drive me there and everything.Problem is her's 18,im 15,,,,my parents will not approve.Dont get me wrong hes a nice guy and everything.How can i convince them,they are really overprotective.its about a 3hour drive,,ill be getting home like around 1 maybe:O pleeaase how can i convince them
If my car lost control because of the traction on the road and i hit someone do i get a traffic ticket?
I was driving on the highway at around 70-74 speed limits 70. I drove into the side of the road and tried to break but when i broke my car spun out. I hit a commercial vehicle from the back. Do i get a ticket?
What can I do about bad orthodontic work and getting my money back?
I had braces for a little less than a year before I realized that no work was really getting done and my teeth hadn't moved one bit. I switched to a new orthodontist that my friend went to and had done great work. About 2 weeks ago I got my braces off- but the work was less than what I expected. I still have gaps in my teeth, the top and bottom are not aligned which still affects my bite, and a top tooth in the front looks out of alignment compared to the rest (in an obvious way). They are better than before and I wear my retainers to keep them from shifting into something worse but Im very unhappy. I want to have it fixed but Im a college student and have hardly any money. I paid to have the work done right and he failed to do that. Im also against the idea of any more metal braces (invisalign is what im trying to do) but I dont know who to go to or what to do. I thought about getting my friend (who is a lawyer) to help, to try and get the money back for the bad treatment using the statement of another orthodontists opinion saying that the work is not done correctly. Any ideas on how I should handle this?? Would I have a case against their office??
Why the perceived 'injustice' about super injunctions?
Because when you bring a court claim, they are supposed to be public record. And the whole purpose of a superinjunction is to make it a secret so the public won't know about it. The purpose of allowing the public to view trials is to make sure there is no corruption. So there has to be a balancing of harms done to see whether the protected interest of sealing the court record is compelling enough to overcome the interest of having the courts open to the public to deter corruption, and ensure fairness in our court. There are privacy rights in our country, but the minute you want to use the courts (a public forum) to settle your dispute, your privacy is gone. There must be transparency so we can make sure things are done fairly and to eliminate possible corruption.
Can a 14 year old drive in a driveway.?
i am 14 and 3 months and i live in a private drive and i was wondering if i can drive a gar legally in my private drive b/c no cops cant patrol it so i could not get a ticket but there is a cop that live on my drive so i want to make sure and if he did i heard i could go to court and get away with it i was just wondering if this is true
Why doesn't Egypt absorb Gaza, and Jordan The West Bank, and settle the Pal Problem?
Even other Arabs consider the Palestinians scum. They use them as a tool to attack Israel.. but beyond that, they want nothing to do with them.
Does ozone depletion contribute to global warming?
I was taught in school that ozone depletion and the increase of global temperatures were two different things and I remember my teacher specifically emphasizing on that. However today my best friend was ranting on as usual about how the loss of ozone layer is heating up this earth which is by the way a complete farce. Anyway I already know the correct answer but what was everyone else taught
Is it appropriate to introduce or refer to someone by their gender?
Ok, so The most impy Thing to know is that EVERYONE, was born& raised different! I introduce my self by name and that's generally it. I don't know who is, but apparently he hasn't had a dose of America..... Don't worry The way of introducing someone u think is right is right!
Will most Conservs/Repubs start to realize that the "machine" to discredit Obama is a farce?
Republicans are really upset about this victory, and will find another issue that they can smear President Obama with. Their ideals and shameful tactics is very Un-American like, hence why they will lose badly in 2012. Mark my words.
Very awkward situation about prom..where do I stand?
You can grow up and just take the limo. So what if a guy you dont like is gonna ride along? Dont talk to him, he probably doesnt like you either.
Is it legal to have a disposable BBQ in a public park?
We are planning a get together tomorrow, nothing to do with the wedding, it's to mark a year passing since a mate died. A few of the people are adamant is should be a BBQ, I can see it turning into a farce and us getting chucked out. Also, I tend to agree that safety wise it's not the best plan but it's not up to me to make the rules. Is it legal?
How To Get Out Her Friend ZOne? (10 points)?
don't apologize for expressing your feelings but don't wait for her. she's probably waiting for you. whether she likes you or not, you guys are friends so texting can occur and should when you wanna tallk. Text her or talk to her in person if she doesnt respond to hey whats up and ask if you guys are still friends. then go from there
What does this mean? Please answer.?
Okay, so I'm going to be on a plane in exactly 7 days. I am a frequent flier. I am a bit nervous about it becos I'm going to see my dad for the first time in 8 months (he's on leave from Afghanistan). The day after I get there, we go to a beach house. Last night I had this dream that I couldn't find my suitcase, no matter how hard I looked. Then, when I finally found it, my grandma called me to tell me to have a safe flight, and I realized I missed my plane! And my grandma kept telling me I wouldn't get to go to the beach house. And I was so scared becos my mom finally found new tickets for the same night so we could fly out there, but for some reason, it was on an airline w/ a dirty airplane & weird staff. And my mom wouldn't take us to go get on the plane.. AND I had lost my suitcase again. What do you think this means? It's kinda bothering me.
Would you turn down baseball tickets near behind home plate if you had something else to do, and didn't.....?
well I think that it would be fine if you gave an excuse (even if it was made up) for why you can't go to the game now, then that allows him enough time to invite someone else or change his plans. I don't think that it is a good idea to at the last minute just say something came up...
Are Winnipeg Jets single game tickets available yet?
I went to the Winnipeg Jets website and found very little information about tickets. The site was not updated since the season-ticket drive and made no mention of single-game tickets; and yes I do know they will be extremely hard to come by.
Why don't my braces hurt?
I got them put on 2 days ago and the orthodontist said there would be alot of pain the next morning but there wasn't. but when i had spacers a week ago they hurt really bad
Does anyone still think NPR isn't liberal biased?
I do not think so. There are a lot of conservatives with shows there. Or at least there were. Maybe they let some go because their lack of pathos. Now, magazine restrictions are not only necessary they are a moral priority. I say it like Lawrence " I blame the shooter for the first 10 bullets but I blame the law for the next 30 bullets". I also say Republicans do not show to have guilt. They are like sociopaths.
I need help with braces!!!?
can u get spacers and braces on at the same time if you live far away from the orthodontist? (appointment after the consultation)
What does "check for the finish" mean in orthodontist terms?
I went to get my braces tightened and they said next time they were going to check for the finish. So what does that mean?
What do you think about my critique of one aspect of the 'Twilight' series?
That's a pretty good critique there. I've always been critical of the series, yet I never really thought about the vampire aspect of Twilight in that regard.
Need Help solving a money denomination Problem?
In 2006, general admission to the Field Museum in Chicago cost $12 for adults and $7 for children and seniors. If 18,430 was collected from the sale of 2010 general admission tickets, how many adult tickets were sold?
Football shirts is it time to end the new kit every Season craze?
they get money selling them... its quite good for marketing, as it gives fans something to get excited about (getting a new shirt). so its good promotionally. and some people like collecting them. but i agree with you, its really annoying
Moving across the country with my fiance, but we're having relationship problems.?
You have to decide if your love for him outweighs his negative points. Do you like the idea of being single again? Or does the thought of leaving him upset you?
Not sure if he loves me anymore...?
The most important thing before committing in any relationship is to learn to love yourself unconditionally warts and all. Only when you have done this will you be able to have a true loving relationship with another person. Until then all the interaction comes from a neediness, There is an amazing book called 'The Secret of Intimate Relationships' which is easy to read and explains so much of what happened to me in all my relationships. One thing is sure - 'if we don't go 'within' we'll end up going 'without'.
How long does dental impressions take?
ok so i went to the orthodontist for impressions of my teeth. i went 5 weeks age and i wanna know how long will it take until my impressions come back so i can continue my treatment for braces???
How should I do this?
I want to get my teeth fixed but idk what the dentist/orthodontist/cosmetic dentist is going to tell me what to do. Also I need insurance but idk what I'm going to get done so idk what kind of insurance I need. Should I just get a consultation and then look for what insurance I need or will that sound stupid?
Is it ok if there are green spots on my tickets?
well i got some motley crue tickets and there are green spots on it, is that part of the ticket cause the tickets were 101 dollars?
Atheists: Playing Devil's Advocate here, assuming evolution is real, what will humans evolve into and when?
God, it's such a ridiculous theory that I'm embarrassed to even try to take your side on this farce.
Does anyone know if the website which shows the national level of radiation is accurate?
yes,but that is not the reading they give us.i'm getting real tired of these lying f=====g bastards.truth is lost in this country.time for a change of government.there all shameless whores.that treat us like idiot *** holes.and keep getting away with it.NO ONE calls them on it.who's protecting us.and we are supposed to turn in our guns.we will be like fish in a barrel.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What trucking companys will hire me?
im wondering what trucking companys will hire me with a possession of marijuana charge, will be 3 years old in oct and 2 15-19 over speeding tickets one in 2009 and other 2010 im in virginia
Repositioning my tooth?
Okay so the tooth next to my front tooth sticks out slightly. I have braces and at my last orthodontist appointment they said at the next orthodontist appointment they are going to reposition it. What does this mean? What will they do? Will it hurt? Please help!
Lautenberg "Republicans don't deserve Constitutional Freedoms!" Doesn't that sound like Nazi on Jew Rhetoric?
That is disturbing, it's one thing for a wing nut like Huffington to say it, or the other fringe nuts we know are prevalent in the true hard core Progressive ranks, but a Senator? He should be removed immediately and prosecuted for advocating the extreme persecution of a group of US citizens without cause except they disagree with him Politically. He is not fit to sit in our government in any capacity proposing war on a group of our citizens like that.
Did anyone hear how Conservative talk radio disrespected the Japanese?
It seemed to a group effort as both Rush and Boortz stated that the radiation threat was a farce. Boortz said it straight out "this whole thing is a farce!" Ignoring the fact that one of the plants has Plutonium in it which is extremely hazardous in very small amounts. Why on earth would they be so disrespectful to a country in such peril?
Retainer is a little tight but still fits?
Your retainer feels tight because it us moving the teeth back into the proper position, just remember to were it every night and you'll be fine =P
Is this a winning ticket in 2012?
What are your thoughts on the possibility of Biden as President and Obama as vice President in 2012?
Teeth Extractions; random gaps? PLEASE HELP!?
I'm sure your orthodontist knows what (s)he is doing. The way the body works is strange, but I assure you, you will not have giant gaps between your teeth :)
If you almost get into a car accident, but avoid the collision, is that still illegal?
I was getting into the turn lane a little late today, and the lady behind me was speeding through to get into the turn lane as well, and when I was turning into it she almost hit me. I realize it was partially my fault for turning in so late, but since she almost hit me from behind (hah) it would've been considered her fault for speeding and not paying attention to my turn signal, right? Well, she wrote down my plates and I'm kind of nervous about her calling the cops about it. Would I be getting in any trouble for ALMOST getting into a collision? I'm normally a cautious driver and I'm just worried about getting a ticket that I can't pay for.
What Is A Good Estimate For When I Will Have My Braces On If I Have My First Dentist Appointment On July 21?
I Have Not Got Reffered to a orthodontist yet either so that means i havent went through the molds.spacers or anything yet i just wanna good estimate on when i will have my braces officially on.
How do orthodontists determine when to put braces on you ?
They have to wait untill your baby teeth are out. If they dont come out they can be surgically taken out, or, you could wait till you're in college. I'm going to be a sophpomore in college and am jsut getting braces now :) But I didnt have baby teeth issues.
Why do so many conservatives like to dictate which countries get Democracy?
When warmongering bush was running things into the ground I was told Iraq needed Democracy. Since WMD was a farce we were left to believe installing a democracy should be enough.
How could a man who has betrayed his partner before and never confessed, say he has the perfect relationship?
How could a man cheat on his long term girfriend, never confess....get engaaged and marry her, and now say his marriage is perfect!? He says he values truth and honesty, and that he values and respects his wife, but he is lying to her about his loyalty and continuously hiding from her major betrayals that he has subjected her to...How could he not see how flawed that is and what a farce of a marriage he truly has??? It makes me angry to see people do that to one another, and get away with it....
Why do people get so angry over Lindsay Lohan?
Number one it costs more money to lock up "celebrities". Number two it costs more money to put them thru trials. Number three, how many released child molesters and abusive families never get supervised bc of lack of money while this media farce has been going on about a stupid necklace. Am I the only one who sees how this is waste of our governments money (aka our money) when they could be using money wasted on celebrity trials like this to better fund child protective services, or to have more oversight over released sex offenders instead.
What do long term military men think of accelerated promotion for the royal grand-sons?
I personally think it's a disgrace - demoralising for dedicated long timers and makes joining the forces a FARCE!
Should I get braces even though my crooked teeth aren't visible?
even if your teeth are crooked in one area that is visible to you, it could be that your occlusion is off (the way you bite). Having braces is not simply to straighten your teeth and make them beautiful. Its actually to help you use the correct muscles to chew, swallow, talk..etc. Check with your dentist and have him refer you to an orthodontist for a consultation. It wont hurt to see what he says.
How long do you think i need braces for?
My Teeth most of it is in the front but there like some in the back not to far back just a little how long do you think i need them? also like 4 of my teeth are sharp do the orthodontist sheared it to make it normal?
Promo Code for Southwest Airline ticket from Phoenix to Oakland?
I need help! Can anyone tell me where I can get a promo code for Southwest Airline ticket from Phoenix, AZ to Oakland, CA? Thanks!
Just got braces tightened and tooth moved already?
A few weeks ago maybe a month or two, my orthodontist put a spring in between two teeth while I had braces to make room for a tooth that was stuck way behind them and couldn't be attached to the wires. Well today was finally the day to have the spring taken off and have the tooth attached to the wire like all the other teeth. Well when I got home it hurt a lot so I took a nap hoping it would feel better when I woke up. I woke up about and hour ago and it hurt like someone was freaking pulling my teeth out with their bare hands.I looked in the mirror and my tooth that was behind the other was already forward and it the right place!!! So, is it normal for a tooth to move that fast in a period of just 4 to 5 hours?! I 've had braces since February and haven't seen any other teeth move that fast!
What orthodontist take medicaid in Shreveport-Bossier?
I'm 13 and i have a semi-bad over bite. i want to get braces but i don't think my parents can afford the cost of them, so are there any orthodontists in the Shreveport-Bossier area? and if its possible i would like the Damon System braces. does medicaid cover that? and if Medicaid doesn't cover it how much will Damon System braces cost? (give a estimate)
What colors are six flags tickets?
i just bought six flags tickets off a guy i know and idk how to tell if there real they say there complimentary tickets there white with a yellow border around the ticket i just want to know if there real or not
How do atheists explain wooly mammoths being found in siberian tundra with buttercups in their stomach ?
Also, how do you explain the Nasa science experiment that proves that one day is miising from time, as seen in the book of Joshua ? Evolution is a farce. A fossilized snail from 20 million years ago looks exactly like snails crawling around today. As reported in Ecclessiastes, nothing is new under the sun. Why must you insult my faith. Marxist atheists are like the locust army of Revelation 9 (Locusts have 4 devouring stages, in the final stage, they come out in the open. Finally, they die).
I hung out with this girl and it went well, just one question?
So i went to a movie with this girl i like, I paid for her ticket and i think we had a good time. So later that night i texted her, "Hey, thanks for going to the movie with me, i had a really good time with you." and she responded, "yeah, i had a good time too." Well i didnt respond to that text and about 30 min later i got another text from her saying, "yeah, i had fun too." So then i responded to that one with this, "Im glad that you had a fun time. We should hang out again sometime. :) " and she responded, "Yeah we should. :) " I was just wondering if this girl probably likes me or not, cause ill probably ask her on a date soon if i think she does. Any advice would help. Thanks
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Please helpp!!! thnxz :)?
You should write a story about a bellowing dinosaur who dismantles rubbish to build his lair all day long. When a child with parasites discovers his lair, the dinosaur offers to let him be beneficiary of the lair if he keeps it a secret. Of course it all a lavish farce and the dinosaur shirked his contract. Upon seeing the bothched agreement, the child began to see that escape was futile. He becomes increasingly morbid and decides to organize the surplus of clutter. The greuling work soon made him notorious in the underground dinosaur community and his timidity lessened each time he stepped up to a different dilapidated dinosaur lair only to have a hospitable stegosaurus pamper him as he swept and ddusted. The ancient old lady maid was soon vetoed out of position in favor of the boy.
Is "Passive Learning" actually possible?
Is it actually possible to learn a language while you sleep by listening to tapes? I do not mean listen for a night and wake up fluent, I mean would it improve language comprehension, grammer skills, vocabulary retention and so forth? Or is it all just a big farce.
How does someone make money?
First sell all that stuff. Second get a job maby mowing lawns or such cause your only 15 but burger king hires 15 year olds try that. Third tickets could sell fast if you know were to sell them.
The word farce in a sentence?
Correct as far as it goes. A "farce" on stage is a play that depends to a ridiculous degree on accidents, chance entrances, exits and encounters, and strained logic. In general terms, a farce is something acted out insincerely. So yes, battles between science and religion could be seen as a farce. But as long as you develop that correctly, the sentence you quote is okay.
Elastics on braces? Need answers fast!?
so I use elastics on my braces and I ran out. my orthodontist is closed til monday so I can't get any new ones until then. my sister has some old ones that she used when she used to have braces and my dad things it would be fine if I used those ones til monday. they are stronger then mine but yeah. should I try that or what do I do!? thanks!
I have braces but i have the "clear" bands which turn yellow, what is the peroxide that can change them back?
The bands turn yellow after a few days because of the spices and oils in food. The orthodontist said that i can use peroxide to change them back to clear. He said that i should just gargle it in my mouth and spit it out but i don't know which peroxide he was talking about. Does anyone know? Thanks!
How in the world can a light skined woman who works outside get a vit. d deficiancy?
ok I went to the doctors and had the complaints of sore joints and pain. The doc ran blood and found to be deficiant in vit d. I am usaully absent minded about puting sunscreen on and i get alot of exposure to the sun. Is it a farce that one can absorb vit d thru the sun? If so then how.
Has anyone ignored their red-light camera ticket/citation?
Got a ticket "failing to stop at a red light" and with the talk of eradicating the program, I am tempted not to pay it. Will it get posted on my record with the DMV?
Could an orthodontist or oral surgeon fix my problem?
My teeth are more or less straight, its just the other aspects of my face that make it look off. When I smile, the lower teeth are visible, and the upper teeth are nearly invisible, they are obscured by the upper lip. I am very self conscious about it. Smiling feels awkward, and unnatural to me, and it feels like a huge obstacle for me socially. Any advice from an Orthodontist, Dentist, Oral Surgeon, or just someone with experience like mine would be much appreciated
Do I Have PCOS(Polycystic ovarian syndrome)?
It doesnt sound like you have it at all. You would most likely have abdominal pain from the cysts as well as many other symptoms if you had PCOS. It's really easy to read a list of symptoms on the internet and then relate it to yourself and think that you have the condition, but generally you would be quite aware that something was really wrong if you had it. If you have any abnormal symptoms let your doctor know so that they can work out if anything is wrong.
How do I help myself with depression?
I recently starting having depression problems; I have to farce myself to eat, I can hardly stand to be around sharp objects because of how badly I want to hurt myself. So my parents are at court against each other and after years of being afraid of seeing my father again the courts finally decided that I never have to see him again. I should be happy, but court expenses have us in debt and I am more worried about my situation than I was before. I am going to be starting High School next year, and I am really scared. My friends in school are starting to experiment with their life's and are doing stupid things like smoking and drinking, so I decided I didn't want to hang around them anymore. Now I am pretty much alone and I have nobody I can talk to about how I feel. My family is under too much stress and I don't trust any of my former friends. Everybody in my house is yelling at each other and everybody is at each others throats. My room had to be taken over so that my big sister can move back in because she cant afford an apartment anymore and I have nowhere I can go to just cry. I feel so trapped! Every time I look in a mirror I almost want to cry because I just cant appreciate myself at all, and I'm too scared to go outside or someplace public. Even when I did hang out with m,y friends, they had never really listened to any of my personal problems and they always say that they hate each other. They mean it as a joke, but it really hurts. I try to write and draw how I feel but I cant think of anything to put on the paper. I used to really be into writing my own music and piano playing, but I cant find the motivation to do anything but pace in our kitchen. I know I wouldn't be strong enough to do it, but I cant stop thinking about suicide. My grades are dropping drastically, even though we only have one more week of school, and I'm not sure I can make it through these last few days. Any advice on how I can help myself, or any information about depression would be helpful.
Driver license under probation are u kidding me?
Well the police were only doing there job and you should have had your sticker and shouldnt have had the phone in your hand. Dnt use words like fags it offends people. I know your angry but terms like that make nobody wanna help you.
Question about makeup guru?
my question is that how can you tell if a makeup guru on youtube is reliable in answering makeup questions and giving makeup tutorials. I heard that some of them advertise products that might be a potential farce and I can't just go up to anybody that could turn out to be misleading. Who can one really turn to?
Greyhound bus traveling ticket prices? help ?
how much would it be if your going from davenport, iowa to el paso, texas? three kids and one adult? and how long would it take?
Should I buy tickets off of someone through Fedex?
We need more info..what site are you using? or just some random dude online...rule of thumb is avoid overseas/mailed transactions....go on craigslist and search for your tickets...ask an adult male to go with you and buy them in person...its a safer bet you wont get ripped off.
I keep having dream where I am fed up with my braces and I take them off so what could this mean?
In high school due to moving around a lot I had braces on for five years from grade 8-12 and in my dream it is like I have had them on for twenty years and I don't want to wait for the orthodontist to take them off. It has been a long long time since I have actually had braces but when I am taking them off in my dreams it feels like I still have them on.
What church/denomination should I try next?
Study the history of religion... (hint: the earliest form of religion came from the earliest culture -- the Kemetic people -- then see where it leads you).. the most important fact is religion and God are not one in the same... you can have one without the other... religion exist to empower its people with a shared culture... God (the creator, source, universe) exist because we do... we came from it..
Friday, July 15, 2011
General admission for He is We in MI. Is that first come first serve?
Im buying tickets to a He is We concert, it says General Admission. Does that mean first come first serve?
How is a missing tooth replaced?
I am 13 years old and when I was little I tripped on a board walk in Florida. This injury caused two of my teeth to grow in fused together. One of the fused teeth made it but the other did not grow a root so it fell out. I have been missing it ever since. I am using a expander right now and am waiting for my last couple of baby teeth to come out and my orthodontist said he would replace the tooth. My teeth are in reasonable good shape so how is it replaced?
Christians, why didn't the rapture happen?
Was that guy wrong (and if so, how do you know anything is right)? Or is Christianity a farce? Or is there a loophole?
How much is my speeding ticket going to be?
I got clocked in Yorba Linda CA going 90mph in a 60 mph zone. On the ticket, under code and section it says CVC 22349 and under description it says MAX SPEED 65MPH. BUT, under that in the boxes it says SPEED APPROX. 90 P.F./MAX SPD. 60 VEH. LMT. 60 SAFE SPEED 60. so i was wondering, did he write me down for 90 in a 60 or 90 in a 65? also, how much approximatly would it be?
Monologue for theater help?
You might want to try Neil Simon's California Suite, and use a monologue by Diana, which is from Vistor's from London. She is a delightfully funny diva that is British, although she can be difficult to pull off if you do not have the body type for the role.
Can i still get a ticket for being high but having nothing on me?
unless you do something reckless or destructive the cops can't arrest for believing you are high with no proof
Is happiness just an illusion? Can a person ever be happy (please read the details)?
I believe happiness is a state of mind, an illusion/delusion that has no bearing with reality. For example: I started my own business, got rich, married the love of my life, had a kid; had my wife divorce me, my son killed in Iraq. If I was truly happy, why would I separate from the love of my life? The happiness she brought for me was an illusion. The more I think about things, happiness is something that comes with an expiration date. It is not real. I was not a rich man to begin with, I used to crave wealth, I realize wealth is nothing really. People are miserable with money & without it. I started writing as well, & I realized we are all illusions, we are nothing really. We are absolutely meaningless & powerless, our goals for happiness is nothing but a farce. Please avoid talking in terms of Christ here. Thanks.
Girl smoker since age 14.?
i am currently 22. i got to smoking at 14. more like a closet smoker. i started smoking just 2 cigs per day, thinking i would lose weight. i was already thin and STUPID. my habit got me to almost a pack a day n then to 2packs a day. im no longer a closet smoker, i smoke outside. i want to quit my dirty habit. nicotene patches are a farce. its hard to quit. i also dont like the few judgmental guys who think im probably of a bad upbringing and lack character. any hard core smokers who quit? please help.thank you
What kind of retainer will I have?
if your ortho has the invisilign ones, he will most likley use them because they are VERY effective. the fit exactly to the teeth to prevent movment as a oppose to a small wire across the teeth.
Is there really any need for Relegion in the world with live in today?
Science over the hundred's of years has dissmissed alot of theory's by what Relegion's believed to be relegion another farce that science will prove wrong?
How To Handle This Situation With Her? (10 points)?
just talk to her about it, tell her u didnt mean to make things awkward...but u didnt wanna hide your feelings for her...and tell her that if she gave u a chance she wouldnt regret it...u seem like a really nice what YOU think is right...and say what comes from the heart. good luck!
Is happiness just an illusion? Can a person ever be happy (please read the details)?
I believe happiness is a state of mind, an illusion/delusion that has no bearing with reality. For example: I started my own business, got rich, married the love of my life, had a kid; had my wife divorce me, my son killed in Iraq. If I was truly happy, why would I separate from the love of my life? The happiness she brought for me was an illusion. The more I think about things, happiness is something that comes with an expiration date. It is not real. I was not a rich man to begin with, I used to crave wealth, I realize wealth is nothing really. People are miserable with money & without it. I started writing as well, & I realized we are all illusions, we are nothing really. We are absolutely meaningless & powerless, our goals for happiness is nothing but a farce. Please avoid talking in terms of Christ here. Thanks.
Do you think mahathma gandhi was a failure ?
with lot of respect and admiration to our father of nation mahathma gandhi I Have these questions which needs unbiased judgement from the readers 1) he was unable to prevent partition of india 2) he was unable to prevent violence and bloodshed after partition 3) unable to dissolved the congress which he wanted 4) the congress which came to power did not implement any of his principles except on gandhi jayanthiday which appears as a farce theatrical drama 5) the present generation has drifting far away from his teachings with great enthusiasm to become westernised in all sense. Just I was pondering over whether his principles Have any relevance In the present situation.
Does your orthodontist give you a choice of what type retainer you get?
Because I think I'm getting my braces off soon and I wanna pick. And also, is there any certain cernario where you absolutely have to get a permanent one? I rly don't want one of em. Thnx
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!
I just got braces today and I was still getting used to them. I was just licking them and stuff, when my back.?
Cont. back tooth made a cracking sound and started to hurt. The tooth is kinda loose but I don't want to touch them. Is this normal or should I see my orthodontist, because I don't want to lose a tooth :(
How to handle this situation?
Call him up and tell him I asked you to wait because I was undecided and now some things came up which really require my immediate attention so I'm not going to be able to make it. Sorry.
Islands of Adventure: WWOHP?
I will be going to the park on July 11th most likely...or the 12th depending on travel plans. I have never been to Universal Studios so I don't really know what I'm doing =). So I guess I am only gonna get a ticket for Island of Adventure b/c really what I want to see is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. My question is what/how many rides are at the WWOHP? What the best and is there anything I should steer clear of? And what about the rest of that park, not including WWOHP? What other rides should I definately wait in line for? I know that I'm going to be there the week the movie comes out, so I'm guessing it might be crazy crowded (which I'm sure it is always anyway) I just wanna go in with a game plan so I don't come away thinking I wish I would have.....fill in the blank. Thanks for all who answer! =)
How does buying a movie ticket on a phone work?
After buying the movie ticket through a phone app like Poynt, how do you prove to people at a ticket stand that you bought it. Do you just show them your phone?
How much does it cost to change the name on an airline ticket?
My friend wants to go on a trip with me and my dad can't go. I want to know how much it would take to change the name on the airline ticket
Will there be more variety for 2012 olympic tickets?
I tried rd 1 for tickets and I got denied and I tried rd 2 and there were barely anything left! I even was on time and tried early! I am based in the USA and my retailer is cosport. I want to know if anyone else had problems with them and had issues with them allocating tickets. I am sad that I cant get tickets for the ceremony and the events I wanna go to. What should I do?
I have no desire to live?
Well, I don't know if this will help though I feel the same, I feel like even trying to earn money is stupid because no one knows if you'll die in an accident tomorrow or anything. I think people like us have more of an ability that makes us realize what's going on around us and makes us try to do only reasonable things. We dont try to get involved with the race of life that no one even realises the reason why they are racing.
If Domenique Strauss-Kahan is inocent why is he treated as a criminal already by the Justice System?
"...Presumed Innocent before found Guilty..." Why is the person shackled and with three armed guards, if he is presumed still innocent? Do you think the Justice System is a farce?
Permanent Retainer glue wore off HELP !?!?
i had a permanent retainer since yesterday, and for no reason at all. the glue holding the bottom right tooth in the retainer came off, leaving the wire to be moveable in that area. should I just cut off the part that broke ? or should I go to the orthodontist and have them re-do it ?
Can you read my essay for "The Great Gatsby"?
I think it is a great essay. You should have someone do a final edit for punctuation as I noticed some missing commas and other minor things. Noting major, though, and your points are very clearly made and well-written, too. Great job, John. Good luck with the rest and have a great summer break!
I need help with a titile of a movie?
I know this is a longshot, but... I saw a movie about 30 years ago and would like to see it again. All I remember is that two different couples somehow ended up with their pictures on billboards all over the city and spent the night defacing the billboards. I think it was a 1960 sex farce type comedy. Any help appreciated. TY
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I have just read about?
The Labour MP ex-Minister Elliot Morley sentenced for expenses fraud, not once did the report indicate if he had paid all the money back, has anyone seen any thing about that? , =what should be a requirement seems to be absent= or is this another farce, many others should join him in Jail who carried out this blatant theft of public money whilst occupying positions of trust.
Should i go to hurricane harbor with my friend's family?
my best friend asked me if a wanted to go to hurricane harbor with her family (little bro,her, her mom) on friday (her birthday). she has a guest ticket and really wants me to go. i don't know if i should go because its like her own family trip and i don't want to butt in. her brother doesn't want to bring any of his friends. so should i go or not? thank you in advance.
What if you ordered a ticket to warped tour and didn't get after 3 weeks.?
I ordered 4 tickets to warped from and it was on memorial day when I ordered them. The event is two weeks away. What do I do.
Buying a plane ticket online?
I am 17 years old and will be flying internationally alone. Can I buy a ticket online as an adult? or how do I go about this?
What is the deal with modern fashion shows these days......?
Yes , well although some stuff is too crazy or out there to wear , people consider fashion an art as they would painting or sculpting . Most of these clothes are "trendy" meaning they have a short "shelf life" as one could say . Consider also that some clothing items weren't meant to be worn for everyday & each person has his or her own viewpoint in what looks good or what does not . As for the model, she did not choose what she wanted to wear & if there is someone to blame for skinny models , its twiggy . Fashion isnt going downhill like you think it is , its just becoming more artistic or "creative" , i guess you can say .
How long will I have to wear my retainers?
I have had my retainer for a while now. I got it on my last orthodontics visit, but I have not got around for another appointment yet. I asked the orthodontist how long I will have to wear my top and bottom retainer (which is glued to my teeth). She said the top one I have to wear for the rest of high school, and the bottom one for as long as I can. I really hope that isn't right! Can I get some help from someone who has had a retainer? Thanks!
Is PMQ's a shambles and a farce?
because there is no real opposition, Ed is not worthy of been a leader and cannot be taken seriously, he has no policies and no idea of how to get the country out of the mess that Brown and Balls put it in.
Hawley retainer or essix retainer?
I am going to get braces and my orthodontist said they have both kinds of retainers, but prefer thr essix (clear). My friend had that one and it was just pure disgusting so I think I would want the hawley. Do you know why they prefer the essix and can you tell me which one you prefer abd why? Thanks.
Ticket for marijuana in Texas?
A few years ago, I was 23, I recieved a ticket for possession of marijuana (less than a gram). I pleaded no contest, paid my fine and went on my way. There was no arrest or anything of that nature but I was wondering how bad this will look on a back ground check with a this reputable company I am thinking about applying for. If they will see it as a big deal I guess I will get it expunged but I'm trying to see if it will affect my chances. I am an honest man, with a family, just had some issues back when I got out of the military(mainly PTSD) and marijuana helped. Since then I have gotten legal help for those problems but need to know how it will look?
If a fat person is next to you on an airplane and their fat touches you?
What do you do? Who do you complain to that a fat disgusting smelly slobs fat is touching you when you paid for a ticket be on an airplane? They should make special airplanes for fat ppl, that way their fat can't get on us or in the way of the tray cart.
Why do working class men still join the Military?
Well I am American and I did it for the money. I was promised automatic promotions and you receive extra benefits at E-5. Plus the new GI bill rocks.
Help with an orthodontical problem?
Organise an appointment ASAP with your orthodontist. Not to scare you or anything, but, this could be serious...
What are some new and uncommon words?
I am very into words and etymology, so does anyone know new or uncommon words. Some that I liked are cajole and farce. Good answers get stars!
Does Obama taking credit for the Usama killing, seem like a Dukacas in a Tank like moment?
Yeah, the whole thing is absurd and done by liberals who envision Obama in shining knight armor on a horse with a lance.
Freaking out please answer! orthodontics question! chains & braces!?
omgomgomg, ok well a few weeks ago i got a chain put on my top braces because one of mr front teeth are too far to the right. so the last couple of days i've been realizing that my front tooth is loose! is this normal? i don't want my tooth to fall out! please answer! i called my mom and she said that she's gonna call the orthodontist when she gets home but i'm so worried. i just got that stupid tooth, (it was stuck in my gums and they had to lasso? it and pull it down), and now it's coming out again! i'm literally crying right now. =( please answer, thanks!
Can a Multicultural country be controlled by democracy and is autocracy a better answer?
Look at China. Soon to be the worlds superpower, weathiest nation, most influential etc etc & not a mewling democrat in sight. Democracy, like communism, is a beautiful ideal but a impracticable. With Multi-culturalism comes disunity as each group seeks to benefit & preserve 'their own' a globalised world the only clear path for stable & civilised government is autocracy. The EU knows that their is no way they can satisfy 500,000 citizens & if the EU were truely democratic it would stagnate under the weight of contested legistlations, legal wrangelings, interpretations of law & most of all trying to satisfy 27 differing cultures with 27 different opinions/world views etc etc....... Autocracy is the only way to move.
Inflamed Gums Help?!?
I have braces and i wear headgear at night causing me to breathe with my mouth open at night and that's the main reason my gums are inflamed. I have been brushing my gums and flossing them and it is working and I also use Listerine. Does anyone know how long it would take if really tried hard cleaning my gums 3 times a day so i can go to the orthodontist and they wont make any comments?
I have a question about braces.?
I think I am almost done with my braces. How can I tell when it is almost time to get my braces off before my orthodontist says it's time to get them off?
Can the AP poll ever be trusted again since their farce Obama approval rating poll was outed?
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Does head lice cause hair loss?
One of the leading causes of hair loss and damage to the hair is infestation by parasites. It's an unpleasant subject and one most people don't like to talk about, but the good news is that parasite problems are usually quite treatable and your hair should grow back normally afterwards.
Can I prevent my retainer from rubbing against my gum?
I have a retainer for the top of my mouth and it rubs against my gum making it very sore and VERY painful. My orthodontist recommended rinsing with warm salt water to help heal the gum, but it still hurts! I also don't want to take my retainer out for to long because I'm afraid my teeth may shift. Is there anything I can do to prevent the rubbing? Please help!!
Is the GOP's climate denial farce beginning to unravel?
man, youre right! global warming is so bad, its a searing 70 degrees here in charleston SOUTH CAROLINA. another liberal, brain-dead pawn. i feel for you, sincerely.
Can anyone give me some good information about mos 09s?
Hello, I'm 26 with 71 credit hours and have no unlawful tickets that will hinder joining the Kansas Army National Guard. What I'd like to ask is your personal experience joining O9s through the State option. I was told I would do BCT and then come back and drill with my guard unit until the summer OCS drills, will I be paid through BCT as an E3 and when will I be drilled through an interview to determine if I am Officer material, so you know I got what it takes but would just like to know what to expect. Appreciate you reading and comments. Thanks.
Which is better, Invisalign or Braces?
I had braces for 3 years, no complaining they were alright. They hurt for awhile and you get cuts in the beginning, but they stop after a little bit and only hurt when i got them adjusted. Honestly, there is no food limitation. I could eat bagels, popcorn, ect. just as fine as without. I prefer braces because alot of people I know with invilisign get food stuck in the bottom. And theres always spit in them (ew!) and it looks nasty. But yeah.. they are invisible.. kinda.
What is the significance of having short teeth roots?
When I got my braces off, the orthodontist mentioned that my teeth have short roots. He also mentioned that before I got the braces on. This has been bugging me a little since I forgot to ask him about it. What is the significance of having short roots? Does root length play a factor in how well treatment goes, or is it just a trivial fact?
What is the difference between MCO and SFB airports in orlando?
we are traveling to orlando from indianapolis in july. sfb is farther from orlando, but the tickets are cheaper. is there a big difference between the two besides distance? we arent big travelers (ive only been on a plane once in my life and the other three never have) so any help would be great
Is this the Downfall of Obama This farce against Libya or more to the Point the Removal of Qaddafi?
Currently, The US policy on only to serve the Great Obama's agenda; subject to change without notice.
Why does my cheek hurt when eating with braces?
Since the orthodontist put on my braces,my right cheek hurts becuase of the wire poking my cheek.How do you ease the pain?
Are the coloured elastics on Braces Important?
the colored bands is what keeps the wire attatched to the bracket so yes it would be bad to remove those. just call your ortho and see if you can make an appt to change the color of the bands, but you shoujld have know what color they put on before you left, they always ask me what color i want on.
Fixed Retainer or Removable?
I'm getting my braces off in about a year, I know it's a long time away, but what's the difference between a fixed and removable retainer? I have seen friends with a fixed one, you can't see it, it's behind their teeth.. and I think removable retainers are sooo ugly... Do you get a choice or is it up to the orthodontist?? What's the difference? PS I don't like taffy or carmel or anything like that... so that wouldn't be a problem anyway.
Does Cameron make Brown look competent?
The non sale of the forests was a farce. The cutting up of the nimrods a disgrace, the Ark Royal being scrapped unbelieveable and the Tornado fleet to be disbanded. Wtf the are they doing?
Have you just watched britains got talent, what do you think about the acts?
The little lad singer tonite was amazing,hope he does well.he is bound to do.We are probably talking about the winner! Them judges pass everything!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Who wants Miranda Lambert Tickets for July 15th, 2011?
MARYLAND I have two GA Floor tickets for Miranda Lambert at Merriweather Post Pavilion July 15th 2011. Selling for $55 Each.
F.r.i.e.n.d.s question?
Well I think you need to watch it yourself. If you're writing an article then I'm assuming you'd want to write the truth? If you have everyone else give you the info then you're not writing the truth. You would be writing here say. If you want people to read your stuff and take you serious then it needs to be truthful from you.
Is having an accident removed from your record worth the cost?
A friend of my mother's was recently ticketed for failure to yield when she pulled into an intersection and into the path of another vehicle. She did so due to another vehicle blocking her view, but was ticketed nonetheless. This was her first accident and she has no prior citations on her record. She has been offered an opportunity to have this accident removed from her record for a one-time fee of $160. However, she would like to know if paying to have the accident removed is worth it, since she has no prior accidents on her record. All responses will be appreciated, thank you!
How many more years will the US continue the corn for ethanol farce?
oh yee that know so little. the alcohol pulled from the corn does not render the product useless. Many many products are made from it. and it also is made into live stock feed. the demagoguery of saying that people go hungry because of alcohol being extracted from corn is just spreading fear because they are deep in the pockets of some other energy, maybe oil. -... ....
What would you do if you got in a fight with your best friend?
Say if you were in a contest on a radio to win tickets to see a basketball game. And you won the contest and received two tickets. And the person on radio asks who are you gonna take with you? Your gonna say my best friend. Then you both go to the game and he asks you where is the snack money? You say I don't have it. Then he gets mad and punches you in the face. You know you have to defend yourself so you fight back. After you both are beat up badly what would you do? How will you solve the conflict?
Got in a small car accident?
because you might have lied about something or maybe their trying to make you spill the truth IF YOU HAVENT DONE ANYTHING
How much will it costs me to cancel my Car Insurance?
You took it out in february which means you pay �51 per month for 12 months so you have already paid 4/5 months which means you pay the remaining 7/8 months, around �408m I presume you will sell the car as you will need to insure it even though you don't use it and no insurance makes your road tax and mot void.
Is heaven a fairy tale for you?
I dont believe in heaven or hell for that matter. People love their lives soooo much they want to live forever, therefore creating a fantasy world or 2nd life in heaven or hell. People want to live forever and I think are afraid of dying. I dont want people criticizing me based on my belief, watch all the Christians or 'believers' will give me thumbs down because I dont believe in what they want me to believe in. Leave me the heck alone, and stop trying to force your religion and beliefs down my throat. Anyway... heaven and hell dont exist IMO. Science vs Religion- Science 1, Religion ZERO! Its 2011, not 1450. Science has come so far and proven many things, what has religion done? just kept preaching without any evidence. For people like me, I cant just say "oh, okay thats what someone said 1000+ years ago in a book, so I'm going to believe that instead of Scientists and Physicists who have PhD's"... Sorry not going to happen, and no matter what people say or how many times they try and make me believe in god... stop trying to prove something that doesn't exist IMO.
Difference between 12:01 AM and midnight showing?
Because I was on the IMAX website getting tickets for Deathly Hallows part 2 and noticed that they offered midnight tickets and 12:01 tickets. Is there an actual difference between the two? :/
I need some help with getting braces?
I'm getting braces soon and I don't know what to expect. I have already had my consultation with my orthodontist. do i get braces after the consultation? do braces hurt?
Why did the cops in Mooresville county "set-up" Rowdy Busch?
I think it's unacceptable. There is speeding, then there's speeding. 120 on the freeway is a lot different than on a country 45 mph road. Fun is fun, but decapitated children is not. He needs punished, seriously enough where he understands that in NO circumstances is that ever ok.
Who is the england football team's vice captain?
since steve gerrard is not vice captain anymore after the Rio farce, who is the vice captain to John Terry?
How could I meet Katy Perry?
Well she will have body guards around her at all times. The only way you will be able to meet her is getting enough money saved up for a backstage pass. I would say to write a letter or email, but she won't get it in time. Also she will use a backstage entrance, not a door in front of the building.
Cost of wisdom teeth removal for a child. (please read on)?
13 year old where the wisdom teeth haven't broken through but are formed enough under the gum. (Xray). Advised by an orthodontist to have them out now. Any idea of cost (AUSTRALIA only and Medicare, no private Health Care). Please provide any and all info. if your child has had this procedure.
I thought Obama was going to save the world?
Stick it to him, because he is obviously to blame for natural disasters, corporate mismanagement, and fluke accidents in other countries. FACT: if he wasn't so busy choosing his NCAA brackets the earthquake would have never happened, and if he didn't play golf there would be no oil spill in the gulf, and if he didn't take a vacation every day then the tsunami would have never happened. Don't let him get away with anything!
Fellow Socialists, Democrats and Liberals: Should we support Tea Party policies and stop government spending?
No. I'd like to fix our economy without going through the whole Marxist revolution thing. However, I do like that approach more than allowing the Republican establish continue to ruin things.
Should i be worried my wire keeps unhinging from the brackets?
Since i had my teeth out from the back before getting my braces, the wire has unhinged in the gap, should i see my orthodontist.It seems to just *pop* back in anyway.
Will I get my braces off sooner than the orthodontist said?
When people get braces yes you will see a difference in a few months I know because that's what I saw & I was told that mine will only be on for 15 months it turned out to be 2 1/2 years. You may have to wait for your bottom row to become straight because I'm not really sure if you can get a retainer just for the top part so yes they have to be taken off at the same time because when you don't have your braces on your teeth can move back where they use to be the braces to push/ hold them together & every person is different when it comes to braces. It takes some people a year while it takes others almost 3-4 Years just because they look straight to you doesn't mean that they will come off.
Will you tell me if you have an issue with any lines in this?
If it doesn't affect your meter, why not change it to 'Devil's draw'? Overall a nice cadence to your words as I read except for L2S1: 'fool dwelt'. How about: 'in cards a fool did dwell'? As to content, not a tarot guy so some else can expound there.
Should i got back to the orthodontist ?
So, I've had my braces for like 2 1/2 years now and my teeth are straight. But my orthodontist said i have to keep my braces on until my molars grow in all the way. So they changed my bands on my braces but forgot to put them on like 1/2 of my bottom teeth. So should i go back so they can put them or , or does it not really matter ? (because the wire is still on)
Wire fell out of the back of my braces!?
i noticed today that the wire isn't connected in the back (the piece that holds the wire after the last bracket) also the colored band on the last bracket broke off. I don't feel the wire poking me any where and it's not bothering me. My mother is calling the orthodontist on Monday, since they aren't opened this weekend. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to keep the wire in place. I do have a full container of wax left. Thanks in advance!
How can I buy a Premier League Ticket without living in the U.K?
I live in South America, and in January I'll be in the U.K, and I want to go to the game between Newcastle United and Manchester United, in the St. James can I buy the ticket online and how can I get it???
How do I convince my mom to let me stay at a Friend's house overnight? Please Help!?
Can't you just see your friend some other time? It's Father's Day, you should spend it with your father.
Wow, load your questions much? That's pretty disingenuous of you, particularly since you claim you're looking for serious answers.
Driver license under probation are u kidding me?
Well the police were only doing there job and you should have had your sticker and shouldnt have had the phone in your hand. Dnt use words like fags it offends people. I know your angry but terms like that make nobody wanna help you.
How To Handle Situation With Her? (10 points)?
Just leave sleeping dogs lie. It seems like she doesn't feel the same and doesn't want to have the awkward conversation saying she doesn't. So I wouldn't message her or if you do, apologize and offer a strictly platonic relationship until she decides she would like it otherwise. Good luck!
How will the Suns draw up to Freo this weekend?
soo im an eagles fan, my bro got some meber tickets to the game this weekend, being me ive decided to drive around w.a to look for a goldcoast jumper :P found one!!! im interested to see how the freo supporters react to me sitting amongst them lol.. anyways, do goldcoast have a chance to defeat the injuried dockers, or will pav in his 250th take them to another win??? personally i feel gold coast have a huge chance, unless the crowd get behind pav and his young men???? what are your thoughts
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
OMG, this is confusing me!?
relax it is normal they will straighted out don't worry just ask your ortho if you are confused tell him what's bothering you and he will look at them until then I wouldn't worry
Can I get my wisdom teeth extracted with a restricted jaw opening?
An oral surgeon is the right kind of Dr. to see. He/she will be able to work with your TMJ problem and your wisdom teeth. There is no reason for those teeth to come out at this time unless one or more of them is putting pressure on the nerve or is infected. Impacted only means that they are dormant in the jaw and cannot erupt. I only had three wisdom teeth to start with and the two top ones tried to erupt but with no tooth below to help them grow in correctly in place they became irritating and I had them extracted in my early 20's. The remaining one stayed put until I was in my 40's when it started to try to erupt sideways thru my gum. It had to be extracted by the oral surgeon. The oral surgeon will be able to give you a complete diagnosis about what is causing which problem and how to overcome your jaw lock so that any surgery deemed necessary can be performed. Your Mom doesn't have to be in the room for your consultation so have a frank discussion with the Dr. and if yuo do not get good answers ask for another opinion from a different practice.
Is there still enough time to read the 7 Harry Potter books in time for July 15th?
depends, if you are a reader in general, but at the same time it doesn't matter. Cause I could read those books soo fast cause it was hard for me to set them down. and i read them before the movies came out. so knowing the movie and reasding and expecting something might slow you down. or speed it up. just try to do it.
What do you make of David Haye's comments about Solis?
does he have a point!a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Help with a toothache?
I went to my orthodontist to get my wire changed in my braces. The hygienist had to get a spring in my mouth to lift up a tooth over another one. She had to push really hard on my tooth and it really hurt. She usually does that alot and it doesnt hurt as much. But this time its really hurting me. Please give some advice on how to ease some of the pain and make it feel a little better. Thanks :) <3
Temp Agency keep delaying payment? What action can I take?
Contact ACAS, the employment law experts, for anything to do with employment queries and problems. They will give you free, impartial and confidential advice. Masses of useful info, plus contact details, on their website:
What do I do for my loose bracket on my braces.?
No its not necessary to go to a hospital. Basically what they do is remove the wire and re-cement the bracket, then put the wire back on. The only thing you can do until you go to the orthodontist is to keep wax on it.
If I buy one ticket to Summerslam Fan Axxess does the ticket work for both days?
In Summerslam fan axxess 2011 if I buy one General Admission or V.I.P. ticket does that one ticket allow me to go on both days or do I have to buy a ticket for each day I would really appreciate an answer thank you very much
What should I study when I grow up?
You sound just like me, from what I just read. I like all those stuff to. I'd try maybe web design or Computer science, maybe even animation. Music producer is good to. My dad always tells me to get a job with something I like doing, than it's not like work. I'm going to be a Junior next year and I signed up for web design and computers and art for my electives. It was a hard choice because there was so many choices, choir, Computer science, programming(making games), Animations, sound editing. All these stuff get paid pretty good from what I'm hearing, Maybe not as much as a doctor or lawyer but still pretty good money.
Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are going to meet, will they talk about hamsters or different colors?
Do you think they will join forces to become an unstoppable farce? I am absolutely captivated by Trump's hamster and Palin's vast knowledge of colors too also.
Orthodontist hasn't put on my bottom Braces yet. Will he ever?What do I do?
So I have unfilled cavaties on my top and bottom. More on my bottom though. I went to the orthodontist and he put on my top braces. He said he woulld put on my bottom when I got them filled. SO I got all of them filled and months later I go back to him and he doesnt put on my bottom. He says he will put it on next time. So when I go in next time and he doesnt put them on what do I do? What are my rights? I have payed in full and I feel like he is trying to steel form me. I also have hope that he likes his job and will do it but what are my rights? What can I do if he denies me my bottom? I feel defensless and as if he wont do them and mighte even fine me.(they have changed thier price aprx 17times. They ended up using excuses and getting at least 500$ more than the original price. ) I am fed up and I feel extremely used, please help me.
What to do with my jaw?
One night I slept with my rubber bands and the next day it felt weird so I took it off and the next night it started feeling weird and then I told my orthodontist so he gave me looser rubber bands but it didn't work so I went back to the original bands it hurts so bad. Someone please help me!!! Thanks
Will my braces really be coming off?
YES you will get them off eventually. What he is checking is if the bone grew back. That is very important. Also he is checking and making sure every tooth looks straight.
With all the evolving disparities between Americans.fixing the unequal distribution of wealth allow survival?
Wealth is not a pot of gold to be shared with all around the campfire. Wealth creation is an ongoing process. It takes work and business. One must justify the mandate to share the wealth with those who create it. If they,the businesses and workers want to limit or even withdraw support from programs,it is their right to do so. Whether you approve or not.
Another LIVE nail bomb sent to Lennon. This was a fully functional bomb that would have killed had it exploded?
If Lennon walks because of this and who could blame him if he did then the game in this country becomes a farce. Seriously if Lennon decides enough is enough (he has got a young child and wife to think about) and leaves, then rangers can have the title because the rest of the season wouldn't matter to me anymore. A mans life is more important than football..
Already have braces how much does it cost to get them tightened?
ive had braces for a year and a half and about 6 months ago my family stopped paying for them because they lost their jobs , now we are looking for a cheap orthodontist but i already still have all my brackets and everything on . would they still charge the 3000 dollars to restart or would they just charge for the adjustments
Is happiness just an illusion? Can a person ever be happy (please read the details)?
I believe happiness is a state of mind, an illusion/delusion that has no bearing with reality. For example: I started my own business, got rich, married the love of my life, had a kid; had my wife divorce me, my son killed in Iraq. If I was truly happy, why would I separate from the love of my life? The happiness she brought for me was an illusion. The more I think about things, happiness is something that comes with an expiration date. It is not real. I was not a rich man to begin with, I used to crave wealth, I realize wealth is nothing really. People are miserable with money & without it. I started writing as well, & I realized we are all illusions, we are nothing really. We are absolutely meaningless & powerless, our goals for happiness is nothing but a farce. Please avoid talking in terms of Christ here. Thanks.
Why do people think the Bush tax cuts promote jobs?
Are those not the same tax cuts that got us in this mess and were they not in place when unemployment rose to 9% and are they not still active yet no more jobs are being produced. so isnt it time to give up that farce and jump on another train I mean Im tired of the trickle down effect besides with all the union busting and GOP attacks on medicaide I dont think we will have to worry about them after 2012
How come Humane Immigrant Rights is calling illegal Nikki Diaz Santillan a national hero?
Seems they like to celebrate lawlessness and fraud. This woman should have been sent packing back across the border after her jail sentence for fraud,instead she is still here,probably living off the US taxpayers or working with a different fake SSN.
Is it really this simple?
In the past far far away I believed exactly what this says, but it's flawed. That is the way youth thinks when they have been warned over and over to do or not to do something but they don't listen because they think they have all the answers. Now I say listen and the funny thing is as I write this the rebellious me says Yes you listen and that is what holds you back. Deep Thoughts.
Should i see a regular dentist or orthodontist?
i have very messed up teeth and i need to get them fixed so im wondering should i go to a regular dentist firstor could i go to an orthodontist or do u need a referral? i need to get them fixed asap.
Isn't it a farce to claim NATO or some coalition is going to lead the war in Libya?
Yes. One would have to be a fool to think we are just going to sit back and let another country run the show when we are the only one capable to do it
Can i switch orthodontists?
I have braces and the last place I went to my parents stopped paying the monthly bill. So Dr stopped seeing me. I have a job now and want to start my process again. Will another continue with the braces I have on now or get them taken off?
The ultimate question for atheists?
What it does is try and mix the frauds (like piltdown man) with valid ones (like lucy) in a rather underhanded attempt at refutation. So what lucy wasn't a completed fossil? It's not fake is the point.
Monday, July 11, 2011
When do you think i'll get my braces off ?
I've had my braces for 7 months. I have no gaps anymore just an over bite. My orthodontist is giving me rubber bands at the beginning of july and I was wondering when I'd get them off average ?
I am not depressed but i have never enjoyed life and always wanted to die?
i am 36 never had a girlfriend because i am ugly and i am confident. People say confidence is important but that is a total farce, it is about how people look these days. i have a job and live on my own and have friends but i just want to die. there is no way i am going to the doctors for tablets or counselling because it wont help. i have never ever been happy or enjoyed life and just want it to end but i am not going to kill myself. i don't know what the hell to do anymore and don't say that i will find a girlfriend because from the age of 13 until now no girl has ever been interested in me. has anyone else been in a similar position to myself because it has tortured me emotionally since i was a kid and it has never got better.
Did i pull out a grown up tooth?
so a year ago i went to the orthodontist and i was hoping to get braces, but the they said i need to take out a lot of baby teeth before i get braces. so i took out all of them. the last one was this small tooth i had on my upper teeth and it was loose so i assumed it was a baby tooth that needed to be taken out. yesterday i was wiggling it and it came out. i cleaned up the blood and i realized there wasn't a ingrown tooth there. nothing, only my gums! i was crying because i remember one day i hit my tooth against a seat and it probably loosened a grown up teeth. it was probably a grown up tooth that was loosened because of that reason. what do you think? i hope i didn't end up toothless ):
Best thing in pigeon forge? ?
I'm on vaca in pigeon forge Tennessee. We have tickets to three different events. The comedy barn, the hatfield McCoy dinner fued, and the Dixie stampede. We r going to all three but I'm just wondering which u think is better.
Wire (from braces) in the back of my mouth is literally inside my gums?
im sure you will be fine as i have had a gold chain sticking through my gum for the past 3 months (- part of a orthodontic treatment) just make sure you clean around the area and make sure you dont get food ' in or around the wire' and remember not to drink things that are too hot or too cold. if it really hurts and looks bad then show your mum and beg her to take you as an infection can be very bad.
How much does it cost to change the name on an airline ticket?
My friend wants to go on a trip with me and my dad can't go. I want to know how much it would take to change the name on the airline ticket
Why do tyrants like Obama and Mubarak think they know better than the people?
Hopefully you are correct, but we have LOTS MORE work to do. CA, NY, NJ, MI. All those states need their public workers' unions' broken.
Should i get my braces of early?
i have had my braces on for about 4 and half years give or take the orthodontist said that there is a slight problem with the way my teeth go on each other ( like when i chew) they said that i may have to keep them on for half a year more and that there may be a chance the in the half a year that my teeth may still be the same i was wondering should i get them off as there are no gaps and they are straight and i think they look ok
Is it illegal to resell tickets at an event?
At a concert in the middle of London, for the same price we paid. We always see people asking for spare tickets around gigs in London and I have a spare ticket to one, if I sold it to them would it be breaking the law? I have this annoying vision of me saying yes to selling it then taken to a police office and never being at the gig...
VIP GA tickets for murat theater (egyptian room) in IN?
what does that guarantee? what will i get if i buy these? i want to see bright eyes...and i think it sounds kind of cool, but i want to know what i will get if i pay 101 dollars~
What time should I get in line for Shakespeare in the Park on 6/29/2011?
I'd like to make sure I get in line early enough to get 2 tickets. If you've watched the show within the last week, about what time have you been getting in line? Thanks so much for your help!
What if instead of increasing taxes, the government signed everyone up to buy mandatory lottery tickets?
Instead of paying just a regular $1,000 tax (for example), you'd pay $1,000 into a lottery drawing. Also, you could pay more if you want to. The reward for some would be a slightly lower tax or something.
Does anyone need a ticket for miku�s concert?
I have one ticket for hatsune miku concert & a 4 day pass for the anime expo . I was planning to go but I wouldn�t be able to go because i have some problems ... so if anyone wants the ticket send me a message for more info
My friends think my crush is ugly, what do i do?
You sound really, really young. I suggest that you don't say that you "love" them. You like the guy. So who cares if your friends don't think that he is as good looking as you do? It just means that they won't try and steal him from you and you won't have to worry about them being jealous.
Do you think the troops should be fighting for Israel or securing our border?
We all know the official 911 narrative is a farce and that Israel carried it out to get their wars in the middle east so since the reasons for war are false and only benefit Jewish lowlives don't you all agree its time to bring our boys home and put them on the border keeping the near equally lowlife mestizos out? Seems like a better use of resources to me.
I am not a Christian, but my fiance thinks I am one, what should I do?
I met my fiance in college and we started dating. My parents are evangelical Christians and I am not meaning although I believe in a higher power I don't believe in the Christian theology. He attended their church (I was at home for the summer). My parents rule is when I am under their roof I attend church and participate in all the church activities. So, we started dating and we attended chuch together, did all the church activities together, etc. When fall came I moved back to college three states away. Although I don't attend church, I do a lot of volunteer work, so we would talk long distance about our activities and he would talk about church. He thought I didn't attend while I was away at college because I could not find a church that was theologically sound and whenver I came home I would be in church. He never asked me outright, so I didn't outright lie. And I really liked him and it was just casual (meaning we saw other people). When I graduated and moved home last year all of a sudden it seemed to get really serious. I saw him at church the first Sunday I was back and it just hit me like, "that's the guy I am going to marry.' We started going places other than church and church activities and we were always talking about ourselves, not religion. In the meantime, I got a job and started saving up. Last week two things happened, I moved out of my parents house into my own place and he asked me to marry him in two years when he comes back from his missionary work in Nepal (he will be gone for two years, no visits). I am not sure what to do. I promised myself as soon as I was out on my own I would stop the farce of attending services of a religion I don't believe in. At the same time, I am SO in love with this guy and I know he is with me. But he doesn't know the truth about this one aspect of me. I asked him for some time to think about it, but his plane leaves on Friday and he wants an answer. I don't know if I should tell him. Or, another part of me loves him and has no problem attending a church he believes in so much, and attending church activities and even raising our kids Christian. I have no problem with Christians, I just don't believe in it. So, is it permissible to marry him and participate in a Christian lifestyle with him like I did with my parents, just because I love him and I think he would feel morally bound to either "save" me or leave me and it would break both our hearts...
I hate traffic police.?
I got a speeding ticket for going 18 over. The speed limit had just dropped from 35 to 25 so i was really only going 8 over.. This is my 8th ticket. I just got my license back in april from a 180 day suspension. What is going to happen to me?
Are these concert tickets worth it?
iv been offered 2 concert tickets to watch take that at wembly! �65 a ticket for lower tier seating or standing! is that a good price?
Is there any way to make your teeth come down faster?
I'm almost 13 and have to get braces but my orthodontist wants to wait until two of my teeth come in. They are taking FOREVER and they are close to popping through my gums. Is there ANYTHING that would help???
Why can no one be happy i've met my love in a turkish waiter?
I'm a 45yr old fmale. all my life i've been dissapointed in love. However, i think at the grand old age of 45, i've met the love of my life on holidays abroad. Hes a romantic turkish waiter and we have been corresponding tow an fro since i returned home from my holidays. He says he loves me. He dont speak much english but the language of love is universal. However, no one can be happy for me. I'm a woman of substantial means, but money isnt making me happy without a man to make happy. So i've been financially helping this guy out but hes not been asking me. The thing is hes got a kid in Turkey and lives with his partner, but they are 'not lovers'. He is now coming on a holiday to me next week - I sent him a ticket. hes 27yrs old and hes so romantic. I cannot wait. why can noone be happy
What makes the "female heterosexuality" myth so important?
The female heterosexuality "myth" is proven to be FALSE by your very existence - and everyone else's. Looks like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mothers @ss and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.
Can i still get a ticket for being high but having nothing on me?
i want to smoke weed today, i am just wondering if a cop pulls me over and searches me and finds no marijuana, no pipes or any suspicious of marijuana no lighter.. can i still get a ticket for being high?
First dating anniversary gift help please?
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and I want to buy/make him something special. We're both huge nerds and he's really into film and music. I already got him tickets for his favorite singer for his birthday and I've already done things with pictures. I don't have that stingy of a budget but I'm only 16 so something reasonable. Thank you for any help in advance :3
Perfect, but not perfect enough for a committment?
I've know my friend for 10 plus years. We recently decided to go on a few dates as more than friends. I feel like I'm falling in love with her. She says she feels the same. She told me that I was everything she could ever ask for in a guy and that she's hoped and prayed that someone like me would come along. But now that I'm here she says she's scared to commit. I've actually been contemplating marrying this woman. Having a family with her and all that jazz. Which if you know me, you'd think I fell and bumped my head because I've always viewed marriage as a complete and utter farce and I've always been scared to have children (she doesn't know that I used to feel that way though. I've never talked to her about relationship stuff until recently and she's never seen my interactions with other wome since her and I have lived a couple of hours away for the better part of the 10 years I've known her.)....but How can I be so perfect to her but not perfect enough to at least be her boyfriend?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Is it time to rewrite / change constitution?
I think time has come for a big change. Yes, constitution shud be re written with special emphasis on curtailing corruption.
What happens to parking tickets on a totaled car in Illinois?
As long as the plates aren't transferred to a new vehicle, do the parking tickets still have to be paid?
Dont you think its a farce on the part of the Indian Government?
India is a country where basic infrastructure were yet to developed. So, the problem you said is must. We are not yet capable to arrange a day and night match. It is better to perform cricket in day light only. Which will save electricity and we will be able to watch the match on TV. There is a saying 'cut your coat according to your cloth'. I think India have to rethink on the matter which way will be the better way to play cricket - in day-light or day and night match, if we are serious on the ability of our country.
It is All Obama's Fault!!! The Tea-Party Republican Slogan For 2012??????????????????????????…
Stolen election of 2000? LOL Gore's vote fraud has been well documented. Not to mention the millions of votes Bush lost when media "accidentally" called election very early for Gore Jr. The 1960 election was stolen. Typical Dem trick of the dead voting...Let me guess...$3.90 a gallon for gas isn't Odombo's fault
I have been refused braces by two orthodontists because I smoke. Why?
Neither of them gave me a real reason. I know plenty of people who have braces and smoke, why not me?
How should I spend this money?
I am going to a Britney Spears concert in August and I have a little bit of money left over from my graduation money. Should I save the money to buy some merchandise from the concert, buy a camera so I won't have to use my dad's old camera and record the concert, or should I buy a concert ticket to see Selena Gomez? I wish I could afford all these things but I can't
How long do you think it will take for me to get braces? ?
So I had an ortho consult appointment about 2 months ago & I'm really annoyed that my parents keep putting everything off. At the appointment my orthodontist told me I'm getting 6 teeth pulled (4 wisdom teeth, 2 premolars) and then I'll get powerchains which will literally straighten my teeth in 2 weeks. My teeth are overcrowded and crooked in the front and time is running out before highschool begins on August 11th. Before the surgery I'm having molds done to make sure we're sure of which teeth are getting pulled. Theyre not a super busy place so I dont think it'll be too hard to make an appointment, but how long do you think this process will take for me to get the powerchains on?
Question about this situation, friend invited, and then made the decision for me....?
I hate it when the person I am with looks and acts like they aren't having fun.. so, might I suggest that if you don't want to go you should possibly see what you can do about finding someone else for him to go with. You know..someone who really wants to be there :) Not knowing anything about the dynamics of your relationship with this guy it's hard to say whether this would be a deal breaker and he'd never ask you to do another thing for the rest of your life or if he'd be cool with it. But, the sooner you make up your mind the better ... because it might take a minute to find someone else if you do decide to back out.
Who believes Pres. BHO that OB Laden was just killed? Who thinks he died in 2002, and if?
You don't really have internet service; you just think you do.It's really a fake by the government. It's got you fooled.
How To Get Out Her Friend ZOne? (10 points)?
She playing hard to get she likes you but she wants you to beg. . She likes to see you sweat she wants to make sure you do like her and that you will.try to do anyhing for her she waiting for u to text her go for it trust me I use to stop.texting guys that I liked to see.if they would text me.if I was on there mind
Place to find cheapest airline tickets?
I see round trips on $255 on American. If you need cheaper than that, I'm afraid you'll have to hitchhike.
What would be a reasonable price to pay for a UW Badgers ticket?
I was unable to buy season tickets for the 2011 season for the Badgers and now am looking for them on craigslist. Some people have individual games and they want to know how much I am willing to pay for them. I don't want to pay too much, but don't want to say a ridiculously low price. Any suggestions on how much I should pay per ticket?
"A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people."?
James Madison said that. He also said, "A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both." What do you think of these quotes?
Anyone know where I can get a good deal on 2011-2012 knicks season tickets?
I am looking for a small package deal ranging from 6-11 games. Also, I was wondering when the garden will begin to sell plans.
Examples for some types of drama?
I'm doing a project about types of drama and i picked Tragedy, Comedy, Farce, Melodrama and Musical. I need some examples of each type. I would appreciate if you helped me out! Thanks
Does the global warming farce make you skeptical of any science that's connected to liberals?
Dumbocrats science dates back to when the flat earth theory was just becoming popular. However Chou our ENERGY Sec still hold to the notion if you paint all highways white and all of our above ground structure white, we can over come Global Warming, he's the light bulb of Obammmy's science effort.
Anyone know where I can win a ticket to Comic Con?
Hi, I really really want a ticket to comic con so I can go with my friends. So if you could post some links it would be helpful? Or somewhere I can buy one for not too expensive. A junior female ticket if it helps(: thanks!
Mayweather fans! Will you give Pacquiao credit if he decisively defeats Marquez?
Of course Mayweather fans have a double standard. They won't give Pacquiao credit if he defeats Marquez (AGAIN) at 144, but they have no problem stating Mayweather is the best thing since white bread when he defeated Marquez at 147, and Mayweather himself couldn't make weight. Laughter at its finest.
How to put elastics on molars for braces?
You put it on that little hook, which will keep it in place (so 3 in that picture). But you'd better call your orthodontist to make sure you're slipping it over the right teeth (like first molar on top to the first molar on bottom, etc). I know I had to put it on different hooks as time went on.
Do I have to show up to court for my smoked taillights ticket?
I got a $25 ticket for having smoked tail lights on my car. I already had the tint removed and was wondering if I had to go to court for it since the officer noted that I had court at 8am this coming Thursday. The court date does not indicate that it is mandatory as this sounds more like a "fix-it" ticket to me. I am busy with school and work on Thursday and that is why I am wondering whether or not going to that court date is actually necessary. Serious answers only please.
Help me with my heartbreak?
you did exactly the right thing. do the classic, curl up in sweat pants watch romcoms and eat ben and jerrys. it really works :) x
Is this ticket worth fighting?
I turned onto a street with residential permit parking. A worker from the parking authority saw me make this turn and saw that I had stopped. As I'm waiting for a friend, she starts making her way to my car where she then hands me a ticket. I asked her why she gave me the ticket and she replied, "I already wrote the ticket and didn't know you where in there"! Is this unethical? Do I just pay the damn ticket?
Did your orthodontist charge you separately for your retainer?
Mine wasn't included with the cost, and was about 200 bucks per piece. Of course it didn't help that I lost my first one in a hotel in D.C. and had to pay for a new one.
What things are farce?
farce means things that are absurd and like santa clause and the toothfairy but it can't have any fairytale creatures.
Does Sarah Palin need Zionist endorsement to run for President of the USA?
No. What she does need is the Republican nomination and since the majority of Zionists are not members of the Republican party they will have no say in her nomination. If she gets the nomination she will probably need a miracle equal to the parting of the red sea to get elected.
Ridiculous HR appraisal system makes me want to change job?
You can get lots of info about different jobs and how to find better job here -
How do I tell someone to leave me alone and stop asking to borrow money?
There is this woman at my job who comes in every morning and she was always polite and pleasant. Well I guess she played me for a fool because after a while after coming in she asked if she could borrow 2 dollars. I felt bad so I gave her the money. She stays at a shelter across the highway from my job so I really had no expectations of her paying me back. Now she keeps coming in everyday giving me this song and dance about how she is going to pay me back and then turns around and asks to borrow more money from me! Now this wouldn't be as annoying if all the while she is buying lottery tickets and comes over and tells me how much she won on a scratch off. Why didn't she just give me the money then if she really planned on paying me back? Anyway this 2 bucks is turning out to be more of a pain than I thought it would be. How do I tell her to just leave me alone in a nice but stern way? Other than the constant asking for money she isn't a bad woman or anything. If I tell the managers they would ban her from coming into the store.
Is he even into me?- guys please!?
so i just got with this guy and he'snot my usual type and i'm taking a big risk being with him due to our age difference-he knows all of this. so now he barely texts me back and i can't see him right now because i've really important exams. He always puts up really cutesy little things on fb (which im not really into) with hearts and stuff but does the same for other girls...should i just move on because i don't want to waste my time on a farce and other really nice guys are interested in me and i'm not one to cheat.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
What are UFOs anyway? Saw something once?
I live near Cleveland. Some friends of mine, down to earth Christians, saw an orb complete with reflected light moving around the lake. What could that be? Heard the Air Farce is aware and said, they're not really friendly. So what??
Who the heck is peter?
i know its easter time so dont deny me what you know!! someone on site mentioned peters answers this morn!! i clicked on it and saw it was virtual tarot!! oh dear, is all i thought, isnt the real world deceptive without the future being a farce aswell.. does anyone know this site and what it is all about? i aint parting with any money. its not owned by spiderman is it?!! lol ;)
If America actually won the War against Terror would the gravy train come to an end?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
All time low bank of america pavilion concert boston?
so im going to the all time low concert in boston with my friends and we were wondering if we coukd go in the pit . i got the tickets and it has seats and all that but is there any chance of going in . do you think it would first come first serve . i dont remember there being a option for pit when i bought the tickets . does anyone know )
Why is warmonger Obama bombing Libya after Gadhafi declared him a friend a few short weeks ago?
Is that how warmongers treat their friends? Surely Gadhafi thought he had a BFF after O sat on his hands during the farce that was the Lockerbie bomber's release.
I am not a Christian, but my fiance is, and he thinks I am because I pretended to be, what am I supposed to do?
I met my fiance in college and we started dating. My parents are evangelical Christians and I am not meaning although I believe in a higher power I don't believe in the Christian theology. He attended their church (I was at home for the summer). My parents rule is when I am under their roof I attend church and participate in all the church activities. So, we started dating and we attended chuch together, did all the church activities together, etc. When fall came I moved back to college three states away. Although I don't attend church, I do a lot of volunteer work, so we would talk long distance about our activities and he would talk about church. He thought I didn't attend while I was away at college because I could not find a church that was theologically sound and whenver I came home I would be in church. He never asked me outright, so I didn't outright lie. And I really liked him and it was just casual (meaning we saw other people). When I graduated and moved home last year all of a sudden it seemed to get really serious. I saw him at church the first Sunday I was back and it just hit me like, "that's the guy I am going to marry.' We started going places other than church and church activities and we were always talking about ourselves, not religion. In the meantime, I got a job and started saving up. Last week two things happened, I moved out of my parents house into my own place and he asked me to marry him in two years when he comes back from his missionary work in Nepal (he will be gone for two years, no visits). I am not sure what to do. I promised myself as soon as I was out on my own I would stop the farce of attending services of a religion I don't believe in. At the same time, I am SO in love with this guy and I know he is with me. But he doesn't know the truth about this one aspect of me. I asked him for some time to think about it, but his plane leaves on Friday and he wants an answer. I don't know if I should tell him. Or, another part of me loves him and has no problem attending a church he believes in so much, and attending church activities and even raising our kids Christian. I have no problem with Christians, I just don't believe in it. So, is it permissible to marry him and participate in a Christian lifestyle with him like I did with my parents, just because I love him and I think he would feel morally bound to either "save" me or leave me and it would break both our hearts...
I hung out with this girl and it went well, just one question?
So i went to a movie with this girl i like, I paid for her ticket and i think we had a good time. So later that night i texted her, "Hey, thanks for going to the movie with me, i had a really good time with you." and she responded, "yeah, i had a good time too." Well i didnt respond to that text and about 30 min later i got another text from her saying, "yeah, i had fun too." So then i responded to that one with this, "Im glad that you had a fun time. We should hang out again sometime. :) " and she responded, "Yeah we should. :) " I was just wondering if this girl probably likes me or not, cause ill probably ask her on a date soon if i think she does. Any advice would help. Thanks
I want To Go to camp electric but I don't have that much money?
well the camp is about 1,200 dollars i think, not sure, but the dead line is the June 30th, and I need Money for the flight ticket . what are some ideas that will help me earn the money fast?
I had a dream where we broke up and got back together and i think i upset my gf by telling her?
OK so i had this dream last night where i went to visit my gf and i had to stay at her house cause i couldnt afford a motel, but a day after i got there she broke up with me for another guy, and i had to stay there cause i didnt have a plane ticket back(i NEVER dream like this, i love my gf with all my heart)any ways in the dream i entered a state of depression and i then somehow i walked in on her when she and "rich boy" were getting intimate(ill just say that) anyways i walked into her room again when she was alone and she said she still loved me and i told her she had to choose and for some reason she made a list of the qualities i had ad the qualities he had and she chose me(happy ending) i told my gf about this and i think i upset her...she said and i knew long before this dream she would never leave me for a guy with more money...but i think i upset her by telling her about this can i cheer her up?
Usage of the word "farce"?
Farce can only be used as a noun. The adjective is farcical. A Midsummer Night's Dream as a whole is a comedy which is only partially farcical, so I cannot endorse any of the suggested answers.
My brackets keep falling off?
I have a had braces sense last July. Throughout having braces, my brackets were constantly falling off. It felt like almost everytime I had a monthly visit to the orthodontist that my brackets were either loose or broken. I watch what I eat very carefully. She just fixed my bracket way in the back and now it's loose again. I was chewing on soft bread and and piece of the bread got stuck between the wire thing in the back and caused my bracket to be loose again. One time I was simply brushing my death and the wire popped out caused the bracket to be loose.. Does anyone know how I can fix this on my own because I'm tired of constantly going back and having to pay for each repair visit that I need to have?
Will it be the fault of the MSM that Tom Petty is cheesed-off with Bachmann?
Bachmann should respect Tom Petty's wishes and not play his song. He has a legal right to stop her, but she should have the decency to do it herself. If not, this says a lot about her. I'm afraid that Ms. Bachmann is destined for the trash heap of Republican candidates.
Is happiness just an illusion? Can a person ever be happy (please read the details)?
I believe happiness is a state of mind, an illusion/delusion that has no bearing with reality. For example: I started my own business, got rich, married the love of my life, had a kid; had my wife divorce me, my son killed in Iraq. If I was truly happy, why would I separate from the love of my life? The happiness she brought for me was an illusion. The more I think about things, happiness is something that comes with an expiration date. It is not real. I was not a rich man to begin with, I used to crave wealth, I realize wealth is nothing really. People are miserable with money & without it. I started writing as well, & I realized we are all illusions, we are nothing really. We are absolutely meaningless & powerless, our goals for happiness is nothing but a farce. Please avoid talking in terms of Christ here. Thanks.
Is the orthodontist the same as the dentist?
Ortho is more like braces and cosmetic work on teeth while dentist are more focused on the health of your teeth!
Will my orthodontic know if i have been putting on elastic bands?
So i have an underbite and i currently have braces. But i really want my treatment to go faster so im planning on buying the bands myself ans wearing them. Also my orthodontist appt are soooo far from each other which makes the treatment soo long. I wanna move with my dad but i cant since its in another country..
T4otb tickets, PLEASE help.?
we are trying to print t4otb tickets off, does it matter if they're in colour or can it be in either?
Can you use someone elses plane ticket?
My friend wants to use my dad's plane ticket. Do you just have to pay a certian charge to change the name? If so how much and any information how to. Please Answer
Is this, so called, "quantum entanglement", heresy?
I say we pound it down because it can not exist! It's merely smoke and mirrors. A farce portrayed upon us in order to make us think that "magic unicorns" and "flying whatnot's" exist!
Help! Starting my first part time job soon, but I have a slight problem?
I said that I would be free to work during a certain couple of days, and this was before the interview. Now I've remembered that ages ago my sister got tickets for us to see a show on one of the days that I said I'd work. I don't think I can work earlier and leave earlier, I need to leave the shop by 5pm in order to get the train on time and everything but I think that's when my shift would start.. What should I do, would they let me have the day off? :/
How much longer will I have my braces for?
I had my braces put on about 10 months ago and my top teeth are beautifully straight and my bottoms will only need a few more weeks to become perfectly straight. At my next appointment the orthodontist is putting "buttons" (what are they?) on my teeth. What does this mean and how much longer does this indicate I'll have my braces? Oh and he has stopped tightening my top brace when I go the othdontist. THANKS :P x
I am want to appeal a parking ticket I got, is there a way for someone to help me?
Find out first if there's an ordinance for cars needing student permits to park there. Then, take pictures of the area showing thre were no signs indicating the ordinance if there is one. With all that, then go to the court of appeals and present this to them. If they're straight and do things by the book, they just might dismiss the ticket.
How could a man who has betrayed his partner before and never confessed, say he has the perfect relationship?
How could a man cheat on his long term girfriend, never confess....get engaaged and marry her, and now say his marriage is perfect!? He says he values truth and honesty, and that he values and respects his wife, but he is lying to her about his loyalty and continuously hiding from her major betrayals that he has subjected her to...How could he not see how flawed that is and what a farce of a marriage he truly has??? It makes me angry to see people do that to one another, and get away with it....
How do i unban my acct on imvu?
my husband acct on imvu was permanently banned from imvu for a product they said he submitted. which was passed by peer review. they banned him for 2wks. so he created another acct while he was on suspension from his acct. now just yesterday they permantely banned both acct. imvu states because his other acct is linked to the acct they banned they permantley banned both accts. what does my husband have to do. because we have spent thousands of dollars for this social site. he has submitted several help tickets but to no avail.
I received on speeding ticket one week and the next week a received a not fully stopping at a stop sign ticket?
the same day i received my second ticket, i had just sent my form to Kane County to ask for court supervision for my first speeding ticket.
Bought some inexpensive salmon.. woke up feeling weird?
Ok I know I shouldn't have bought the inexpensive salmon... but it was at cub foods which i haven't gotten bad stuff from before. So next time I will go somewhere else for salmon... HOWEVER we eat it and it was just ok not the best quality... and we woke up feeling really grogy, feeling almost drugged. After a shower I felt a little better but I just feel all over tired when I swear I got a good nights sleep. My boyfriend feels the same way except he didn't feel better after a shower he still about 19 hrs later still feels out of it. Could there have been a higher amount of mercury in the cheap salmon? What can he do to feel better if that is the case? We have tickets for lion king tonight :) that he have been waiting to go to for sooo long and it will suck if he still feels like this during the show. Any tips will be great :)
Want to buy Miku Hatsune concert tickets for July 2nd at Nokia center anime expo?
Willing to pay a starting price of $65 for 1 ticket to Miku Hatsune ticket 2011 in Los Angeles. Can go higher please!
Will I get a ticket for putting an under-car LED kit?
I wanna buy under car lights (LED) KIT and install it in my Z, but I wanna know if I'll get a ticket for that.... Im living in Massachusetts.... ! Please Answer! THANK YOU!!!!!
Tickets for warped tour? ?
I live in Detroit so it's going to be in Comerica park. I was wondering if I can buy them there. Well I can but how. Like where do I go?
Warrent for breaking a cellphone?
my babys dad and i broke up on Friday... it led to a huge argument. he verbally abuses me and threatens to break into my house... we were at his house when things got worse, he called me names which got me upset so when he handed me the phone to call my mom to pick me up i threw it on the street to where it ended up breaking.... earlier today i read my name on the newspaper and it said i have a warrent for my arrest for allegedly break my bfs cellphone... what should be done.?? please help i know nothing about this sort of things... i didnt know something so minor could cause me to get arrested... plus earlier in the yrear around January he had taken off with a car we both bought together and months later he got it taken away for not paying a speeding ticket. should i hold this against him.... ??
Friday, July 8, 2011
Once the bigots/nutcases start dictateing who Celtic can and cant have as manager then its game over..........?
If Neil Lennon simply cant take anymore of all the death threats, bombs and physical attacks and decides to leave then the bigots are basically influencing who can and cant be Celtic manager. The game in Scotland would then become a farce.
Teens: What is your type of humour?
I find anything funny. I'm always laughing in class. It doesn't matter, it could be really witty, Political Satire, or just an immature joke about bodily functions, either or, I find it hilarious.
Does wearing my retainer straighten my teeth?
I got my braces off about two months ago and would wear my retainer day and night for the first month or so until recently i have only worn it in the night though my orthodontist said i should wear it all the time for a year. The retainer still fits. Every night when i put it in it feels a bit tighter but loose in the morning. Does this mean my teeth shift back to being straight during the time i have my retainer in?
Can my license be suspended for going 31 over?
I was speeding in Southern California and got caught doing 76 in a 45.. I was not maintaining that speed however I did reach it and immediately slowed down not knowing a cop was behind me. This is the first ticket I have ever gotten and have a court appearance in 2 days to request traffic school. Can me license possibly be suspended for this?
Does Christianity fail the clinically depressed?
I attended a pentacostal church regularly in Australia for about 10 years and suffered from depression and severe social anxiety stemming I think from developmental dyspraxia at birth. From my earliest memories I was uncoordinated (couldnt catch a ball to save myself) and socially hopeless (couldnt mix with other kids). Dyspraxia can affect connections in the unborn childs brain leading to the areas affected not functioning properly - hence my problems. This was compounded by the normal growing up process as these 'faults' caused me to feel very inferior and ashamed - and that led to bullying and trauma. So by the time I was an adult I had a lot of difficulties coping with life - but was very 'judged' for it - I learnt not to mention it at all for fear of a very ugly reaction from others. After a breakdown in my early 20s I was very 'ground down' & found my way through a friend to that church. I hoped to be loved for myself not judged on externals as I was 'outside' but I found I was marginalised and largelly unapreciated. I found a small handful of parishioners actually knew what love was. God never let me down. But it was cliquey based on confidence and externals. I felt that a self congratulating attitude existed that ignored vast swathes of the Bible - things like not judging, loving your neighbour. When years later I finally was able to try and discuss my problems with my Christian friends I was devasted to find they were interpreted in much the same way as in Greg Evans article. It was all my fault - I had the wrong attitude - I 'bore no fruit'. Some of these attitudes towards the mentally ill belong back in the witch burning era - for the sake of many who come to church in Australia they need to be reassessed in light of what the Bible actually says - and enough of the 'i'm perfect - it must be your fault' attitude.
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